Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"How Do You Sleep" analysis (imagery)

"How Do You Sleep" offers the perspective of a guy yearning for a girl he is no longer with. He has not seen her in a year, but he still thinks about her all the time.  He found a letter from her, and he imagines that it still has her scent on it.  This memento clearly intensifies his longing for her.  He says, "If I had my way, I'd come and get'cha, girl," indicating that he wants to be with her again.  There is imagery in this song because lines like, "I found a letter you wrote me/Still smells just like you" and "In your favorite car with the missing top" appeal to the senses of smell and sight, respectively.  The first example mentions the sense and the second example evokes a clear image in the mind of the reader.

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