Tuesday, April 28, 2009

"I Want Something That I Want" analysis (social message)

This duet is about a girl who unhealthily desires material possessions. She is not a bad person, beginning the song by stating, "I'm a girl with the best intentions." She is merely someone who sees something she wants and gets it. She does this by honorable means, making sure she pays for it, but this trait backfires when paying for things gives her a feeling of entitlement. She knows she "could shop 'til [she] drop[s] right to the floor," but she has, in a way, become addicted.

The social message in this song is demostrated best in the chorus, "And I want something that I want/Something I tell myself I need." The speaker knows she is giving into her own desires and vices. However, she convinces herself she needs the things she wants. This sentiment is very prevalent in today's consumer-happy society. People become greedy, no longer just getting the necessities and a few extras. Most of what they buy is luxury and excessive, but by telling themselves they need these things, consumers can justify and rationalize spending exorbitant amounts of money and buying things needlessly, just for the sake of buying them. With today's economy and the state of the underprivileged in our world, people need to gain new perspective and see the frivolousness of their actions.

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